In life we develop "friendships" or so we think so. But just as much as the bus runs friends come and go. I've never really had a bunch of family I could depend on. Most of my elders either spent most of their natural life in jail, or died suddenly of lifes circumstances. My cousins, sister and brothers, have always lived in another state, hell even the ones that live in my state are estranged. Becoming recluses in their own right. So it's a no brainer that i depend on my friends more than the next man.
Growing up I can remember getting into trouble for defending my friends againt my little sister in arguements. The sound of my mothers voice still resonates in my head each time I lose a friend over some dumb shit. But lately I have learned from someone I revere more my brother than my own, "People are gonna do what they gonna do, you can't get mad at them for it" and for the most part I have more than accomodated people with that same motto.
Having said that, people are gonna do what they are gonna do, EVERYTIME! thats the problem though, why create a relationship that you know in time you are gonna fuck up? If you know you are a shady person then why not, stop creating relationships with people not built on trust?
The fact is I just needed to vent. I am happy I know who I can trust. Im happy I know on who I can depend on. i know who I can revere as "Family" I guess in the end the same shady people I have been hurt by has only made me closer to the people who count "FAMILY", I can dig it.
Well well well, it's been a minute since i've last put my words on this blog. In the past days I've realized that hate is a disease that we as human beings will never find a cure for. I just dropped a video for the song "Do It Nice" with the Guttamen. Both parties have gotten great response from the video. But I have seen a couple of people say they didn't like it. This is not what i have a problem with. My problem is the way that they do it. "That shit is garbage" or "The video is alright but the song sucks, I have a hand full of friends that can freestyle better than they can rap". At first i laugh it off and chalk it up to peoples likes and dislikes and move past it. But then I wonder is the music that bad or is the video really garbage? In the end Ima say these bastards have nothing better to do than go around pointing up to the top while they sit at the bottom with nothing to do. And in the end I have no timeto sit around listening to the opinions of the people who don't support me and my team. To you people I say eat a DICk with aids on the tip hahaha! For all of my awesome fans, friends and family...DO IT NICE
You know when I first started blogging I really only did it because I was told it was a good idea to connect with people and drive them towards my music. But I never in a million years thought I'd get the response i've gotten. About how I've helped people thru their own hard times with my little blogs. It kinda makes me laugh because while i'm helping others I'm really working out my own shit. It's a trip that as people we put ourselves in positions we wouldn't dare allow our children, relatives or significant others put themselves into. I mean the fact that a person can easily end up in a situation that their own family has called it quits on them is crazy. But the one thing that i know is for certain is the longer you blame others, the longer you will end up feeling like life is against you. When in actuality it's you that is against you. I've recently began thinking, that maybe the people that go to jail for robbery and drug distibution are forced into those types of situations and all it takes is one time to get caught. That the people behind the files are truelu good people forced into sales and robbing. I know I know what most of you are saying, no one is forced into breaking the laws men have created. But for one second bare with me. Every paycheck the IRS takes money from us at a percentage that they set. Then One more time like some gangsters they come back and take more. Sounds like robbery to me. We don't even know where in the hell that money goes. But that is all legal. Now the reason why drug sell is truely illegal in my opinion is because all monies earned from it is untaxed and not reported. Go to the white house today and find a man in a suit and you will find a man who has or still does do drugs. So why do policy makers have drug dealers? Ok my point may have holes but the point is we all do things against our better judgement in order to fill the need and voids in our life. But my original question is why do we continue to put ourselves in these types of positions? I think it's an addiction for the norm. We are comfortable in the norm so thats where we dwell. It doesn't mean we are bad people, it just means we are misguided. Where we fail is being content with the norm, not unhappy with being unhappy. So today make an effort to change one thing that always gets you in trouble, the next day find another and then work hard on those things daily, and see if you life changes dramatically. Excuse me if this blog reads like random thoughts, but thats what they are.
Meet Mary Jody Wesson, She's my mom, more beautiful than any moment shared. I'm allowing you to meet my moms because she is no longer on this earth to wow you with her love, ambition, intelligence, and overall greatness. She passed two days after Christmas in 2006 of Cancer. I often attempt to write a song that exemplifies my love and appreciation for mom. However, i can't because each time I try it only reminds me of how much I miss her. So hopefully I can at least give you an idea of what kind of mom I had. When I was in the 5th grade, I went to Pat Nixon Elementary School, in Cerritos Ca. I was a class clown. In this school we had demerit system. Without telling you I bet you can guess I accumulated a abundance of demerit points, otherwise why would I let you in on the fact we had demerits, right? Anyway, one of the annual field trips during the school year was the school picnic @ Knott's Berry Farm. For those who don't know it's an amusement park in the LA area. Any kid with 25 demerits or more was not allowed to go and was required to stay at school doing detention work while the rest of the school partied. My mom wasn't having that. Instead she kept me out of school and took the day off of work. We went and ate a big lunch and to my surprise she took me to Knott's Berry Farm, just the two of us. The funny thing is, we went to the log ride and ended up directly behind my entire class in line. When my teacher Mrs. Martin- Smith looked back and saw us she had a look on her face as if she'd seen a ghost. My mom s was a G for real she stared at my teacher like that's right bitch he's here and having more fun than your students. See my mom was always doing things like that. Not to show us we can do what we want even when we are being punished, no, she did it because she felt at 10 years old, no child should Miss those kinds of things, especially for talking in class. I can remember my mom taking in all and any family that needed help. Me and my sister would at times have to share rooms but we understood why. My mom was the single greatness influence in my life for sure. She was the glue to the family and the love it represented.
So on this day you thank your mother, remember you have the chance to thank your mother everyday, so take pride and advantage of having her around. I made it through this a few tears later. I Love You Mommy Mary J Wesson R.I.P.
I don't really think I am. I think it's the equivalant of someone calling a woman a bitch. Not that i'm comparing myself to a bitch but you gotta know what I mean...right? Anyway, because Im a free thinker, I don't let anyone walk over me I'm considered an asshole. I rarely let anyone talk to me like I'm less than nothing and I will never allow anyone and i do mean anyone run over me. But i'm sure thats not what makes me an asshole right? No it's me letting a person know that i don't stand for that. I would expect everyone to be this way, but unfortunately everyone isn't this way. Example number one, if i'm at the club dancing with a lady or even just bs'n with the homies, and a group of little tacky ass waterhead girls walk by pushing through the crowd, like they own the joint, I'll push them back. When they look at me like i'm crazy, I say "oh i thought the pushing was cool" and look at them like they're crazy. Example two, if a man or woman tells me to shut up, i'll say " Who the f@@k are you talking to, (enter explicitive)? In the end I feel like everyone deserves respect until they don't anymore. So until I get mines I will be Mic the asshole. As the old proverb goes "gotta give respect to get respect, ya dig" actually the ya dig part was mine.
Friends bust downs always feel like they can do and say what they want to the friends homeboys? Let me clarify, Subject A has a bust down, for lack of a better letter we'll call her subject B. A bust down is "a chick only good for the stickin the dickin and maybe some bread from time to time". Now subject A has a friend or homeboy and we'll call him Subject C. Now A and C have been close for a long time, but subject A finds subject B and begins to hang out with B. But for some reason subjet B thinks that somehow she is higher up on the totem pole than Subject C. So B then begins to do little slick shit and say little slick shit because she feels she has more relevance than C. But the minute subject C says something to Subject B, he now is classified as an asshole that is hard for A to bring Subject B around. But does anyway, making it unconfortable to be around. Now throw into the equation that A and C are roomates. This not only makes it very uncomfortable for the home life. But in the end B won't be around for long anyway so its really unessesary stress and what not in the first place.
Let me touch forever with the love un measured she's beautiful soul I remember the noise from the silence and deep it cut im not used to sharpness of the petals one dozen long stem arguement fixers with the sweetness of the bitter stares from acrossed the room it's not that I mind her opinion but it's her opinion that hurts the most with the pain of a wax candle I miss the long talks we never had and the laughs we have yet to share I long for the nights that I never stroked her hair it must be the sweat we never shared until each of us slept and how could she know i loved her if we never crept No, no I know whats left bright lights seen through darkness She's such a beautiful soul
I heard my phone ring but for some reason I have no missed calls, if we've never shared a kiss why am I having withdrawls I remember asking her to come over but im sure she said yes, it's been three days and she hasnt been here yet I wanna know if she's seen me lately In the end why do I care wait is that her calling? nope nope it wasnt her it was a bill collector seems the only thing being collected here is the pain in my heart but hey thats what I want anyway right? such A beautiful soul
I think in the wake of this weeks events i'd be out of my mind to not honor, a musical pioneer and hip-hop icon such as GURU. Being in the industry as well I feel like I should dedicate my blog to him as tribute for all that he has done to pave the way for cats like myself. So here it is.
Keith Elam was born in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. His father, Harry, was a judge and his mother, Barbara, was the co-director of libraries in the Boston public school system. Elam graduated in business administration from Morehouse College in Atlanta and took graduate classes in the Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan. He later dropped out to pursue a rap career. Elam worked briefly as a social worker.
Keith Elam began his rap career under the pseudonym, MC Keithy E, but later changed name to Guru. He founded Gang Starr in 1987. The group initially released three records on the Wild Pitch Records record label but these received little attention. After a change in line-up, the group now consisted of Elam and DJ Premier; they achieved a sizable following and released six critically acclaimed and influential albums from 1989 to 2003. Two albums, Moment of Truth (1998) and compilation Full Clip: A Decade of Gang Starr (1999) were certified gold in the United States by the RIAA. Gang Starr made "archetypal East Coast rap" with Guru's rapping described as sharp eyed but anti-ostentatious.
In 1993, Elam released the first in a series of four solo albums while still a member of Gang Starr. Jazzmatazz, Vol. 1 featured collaborations with Donald Byrd, N'Dea Davenport, and Roy Ayers and received positive reviews. His second solo LP, Jazzmatazz, Vol. 2: The New Reality, featured Chaka Khan, Ramsey Lewis, Branford Marsalis and Jamiroquai. The third installment was released in 2000, but received less positive reviews. Elam's "first proper solo album", in his own words, was Version 7.0: The Street Scriptures (2005), produced entirely by Solar. The album reached #54 on the Billboard R&B albums charts and received mixed reviews. Elam's final project was the fourth installment in the Jazzmatazz series, produced entirely by Solar, released in early June 2007, and Guru 8.0: Lost And Found, released May 19, 2009 (also in collaboration with Solar). Although there were hopes for a Gang Starr reunion, Elam stated he would not work with DJ Premier again.
On February 28, 2010, Guru went into cardiac arrest and, following surgery, fell into a coma. It was claimed that Guru had briefly wakened from his coma but died on April 19, 2010, aged 48, from multiple myeloma. Elam was survived by his parents, three siblings and a son, Keith Casim.
In a letter purportedly drafted on his deathbed, Guru asked that Solar manage his posthumous image, likeness, etc. on behalf of himself, and his nephew KC, and that DJ Premier not associate himself with Guru. Solar claimed that Guru had awoken from his coma to release the statement whilst members of the rapper's family stated that he never regained conciousness from his coma. Guru's family claimed that Solar prevented them from contact with Guru during the latter's final illness. The validity of the death-bed letter has been challenged by Guru's family.
I would like to send a special one love to a man that is greatly respected and forever remembered. Keith Elam a.k.a. Guru July 17, 1966- April 19, 2010
I wanna ask a question today. This blog will read as if i was asking you a direct question. What is the purpose of finding things wrong with yourself? I ask because as I look in the mirror every morning I do the same thing. Why do people find inadequacies with themselves? Is it because we are hated on so much that we have succumbed to the pressure of being perfect? Is it because the karma stemming from the hating we do day in and day out can only come home ten fold? I remember listening to Lauryn Hill's Unplugged and I remember an interlude. In this interlude she says, "Why do we try and fit into someone Else's standard, don't we know we are the standard?" Being an artist this really hits close to home. As artists we find ourselves at a cross roads as to where we ask ourselves the same questions. Where I'm from some look at me as a "pop" artist, others look at me as an artist. It seems to me the ones that wanna classify me, are looking for a way to tear down my validity as an "artist" so maybe they can build themselves up as the artist. But in the end nothing done is original unless we create an entire new genre. And trying to fit the mold as an underground artist is still them trying to fit into a standard as opposed to being themselves. Let me give you guys a little history, my auntie "Little Janice" was a blues and jazz sensation in the 70's. My dad wrote songs, helping to launch the Deele, and the career of Debbie Gibson unannounced to him, in the 80's. My other aunt sang back up for the Platters. My great aunt was Minnie Ripperton, you know "Loving You". So I have a little more than 50 yrs of knowledge and music history at my disposal. So I have no choice on how to sound,I have been bred to make music. I wasn't taught to box myself in to one particular sound. I was taught to try new sounds and make different music. My family is rich with culture and history. So I pose a question, If I wanna make it in the business, should I listen to what they have to say?
I figure I should just say something to break the ice right? My manager told me to create a blog. That way my friends, fam and fans wanna know what's going down with the kid as it happens. I thought that's what Twitter was for but hey what you gonna do? The bark is in me right now so all of this may sound retarded so excuse me. I remember in 1988 on the school bus and me and my friends reciting any and every song that came on K-Day. K-Day was the first rap station in L.A. I mean we had an urban market radio but this was our station dedicated to rap. Anyway those were good times, when you could love the radio. I don't feel that way anymore and it kinda makes me sad. I think when I realized radio wasn't worth the time I decided to become an emcee. It actually cracks me up when I hear that famous line from the movie "Brown Sugar". You know when she puts up the tape recorder and says "So when did you fall in love with hip-hop". I t makes me laugh because I know when I did. 1988 on the back of my school bus.